We genuinely believe that you will receive measurably better results from working with us than other agencies. That’s a big claim, backed up by a bigger list of reasons and examples.

☑ A clear focus on your ultimate goals: maximising profitability and growth.
All our actions aim to provide you with the maximum possible benefit for the minimum possible cost.

☑ Results delivered... in peace.
Once we understand your goals, we undertake an in-depth analysis and begin your project, so that you can focus on your core business. We only contact you where absolutely necessary. If the next project milestone is after one month, we won’t clutter your inbox needlessly.

☑ Putting you first: Being honest and realistic.
We’ve seen the “Biggest and Best” agencies happily sign contracts for large sums of money (£1 million+ in one case; £300,000+ yearly in another, etc...) while promising unrealistic results which they don’t know how to achieve. We’ve seen organisations lose not only the price of the bogus contract, but also time and potential profit for the contract period and the cost of fixing things. We once helped a client who wanted to annul an unprofitable contract of £300,000+ per year. Many agencies sign contracts with only themselves in mind.

We think win-win. We identify sensible and realistic targets appropriate to your budget and projected revenue. We always recommend a basic consultation first, so if a situation does not look profitable for you, we point this out in advance even if this results in a loss of business for us. In many cases, we research what a potential client asks and identify more profitable alternatives, which we report and usually pursue. We believe in transparency, so we strongly recommend reading our article “How we maximise your profitability and chances of success”.

☑ Cost effective.
Through constant self-evaluation, we have repeatedly realised that the agencies we have seen do not put in as much effort and produce the results that we do, despite often charging much more. You can find examples around our website, or ask us for more details.

☑ Tapping into extra revenue sources.
In our initial feasibility analysis, we identify which investment will bring you the best returns. Plus, we often identify extra income sources!

☑ We keep our word.

☑ We save you future expense.
We consider how your website might need to be updated well into the future and by trying to anticipate your future needs, we take action at the beginning to ensure that your website will be coded in a way that altogether avoids, or at least minimises, the unnecessary costs of change and future maintenance.

☑ Going over and beyond.
Technology constantly changes. Sometimes we find ways to increase your chances of success after the project has begun. We often undertake additional tasks without charging or even telling you, to help you succeed without even disturbing you (e.g. we once revised an entire book of erratic content in one client’s old company literature - this was perhaps 80 A4 pages).

☑ Leveraging clients’ credibility to help them win new business.
For example, our clients serve A-List organisations including Audi, BP, AON, Porsche, the UK Government, Apple, Nike & Vodafone so we ensured that their clients’ logos were placed more prominently to portray them to their potential clients as already established and trusted.

☑ Great teams.
At the time of writing, we have our in-house team, a network of 12,000+ U.K. based professionals and 10 million plus professionals abroad: project managers, designers, developers, systems analysts, search engine experts, security experts, usability consultants, multimedia experts, photographers and more; all of whom are rigorously checked before your work begins.

We prefer to carry out all work in-house, but we analyse your requirements in detail before deciding. If we believe you will benefit more then we tap into our network and team up with those best suited to your specific requirements.

☑ Great service.
We will guide you through areas of technical uncertainty. You can expect in-depth knowledge from us. We aim to give you closure on all matters as quickly as possible.

☑ Global Experience: International clientele and multilingual projects.
We have undertaken projects around the world. We are particularly familiar with Spanish, French, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi and Japanese.

☑ Free & easy communication globally.
You can get in touch at your convenience on the telephone, by email or for free using Skype, wherever in the world you might be.

☑ Responsible attitude.
Clients are amazed when they call us for help and we still have copies of every single file from projects over 10 years ago! Even when things create extra work and expense for us, we try to do them anyway and not be selfish.

☑ Post-project support & maintenance.
We are on hand if you need support or maintenance after a project, and if you need help with something else, we do our best to point you in the right direction.

☑ Our commitment to continuous improvement.
We follow the Japanese philosophy of kaizen, which means continuous improvement. We dedicate vast amounts of time to Research & Development even outside of business hours and late into the night, to benefit our clients. We have always done.

☑ Super Creative. Ahead of the curve.
We created a map system for a client’s website before Google Maps was even available.

☑ Maximising engagement rates.
From the more obvious things such as placing the telephone number at the top of every webpage to engage potential clients as quickly as possible, Request Callback and LiveChat boxes (with preferred time and date options) to the more subtle User Experience improvements, we do everything we can to maximise Conversion Rates where possible.

☑ Using the best images - of the best quality.
Websites often use images of poor quality, thus giving viewers a poor representation and making them less likely to fulfil the organisation’s goal, such as making a purchase or signing up to a mailing list.

For all our projects to date, we have only used images of the best possible quality. Plus, each image is carefully chosen to ensure the best result for our clients. Usually, we look at 1,000+ images just to choose the perfect ONE!

All images and graphics for this website have been optimised for fast download and resized using professional, paid graphic design software. Images automatically resized in browsers tend to be of lower quality, so we avoided that. Ours were in each case resized, sharpened and had the colour levels balanced where appropriate to look their absolute best. Eye-catching images increase visitor engagement and maximise the chances of conversion and sales. Such a small fix, for a large potential gain!

☑ Coding Above Industry Standard.
We implement international level coding standards where requested. For websites, this might mean the W3C's recommendations. However we do not always feel that compliance with their recommendations is adequate, so we go far beyond with our own methods of testing & quality control.

☑ EXTENSIVE cross-platform and conditional testing.
Prediction can be difficult. Several organisations fail to test websites and apps adequately on the correct platforms and for the appropriate context. In some cases, that causes failure at the visitor end, and organisations fail to provide a fallback option, meaning that visitors are presented with inadequate or broken websites and apps.

We take QC testing to extreme levels. Despite being extremely time consuming, it is often not reflected in our prices. Since 2003, we have extensively tested websites on major platforms and in various conditions so that we see what clients’ visitors will see. For example, we carried out around 5,000 page views in the testing process of a small E-commerce website that we once made with only 10 products. Depending on the purpose, platforms have included Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Netscape (now obsolete), Qihoo 360, iPhone, Android, Blackberry and more. We have often tested websites with JavaScript switched off (when this was an issue) to see how they would look to each segment of website visitor; we often found issues with major websites.

☑ Extra-secure websites.
We often identify website security issues that clients are not even aware of. When we build PHP sites, we use custom-made files on web servers to block malicious actions, such as blocking potentially dangerous PHP functions in php.ini, individually chosen from the complete list of over 5,000!

☑ Eliminating traffic loss after website URL restructuring.
Sometimes visitors save webpage addresses in their bookmarks, emails and elsewhere. When launching a new website or changing the webpage addresses, it is important to map each old webpage address to automatically redirect visitors to the corresponding new webpage. If no page corresponds exactly, then visitors should be redirected to the most similar page. The worst thing to do is to send visitors to an error page which will either lose a potential conversion altogether or funnel them backwards in the conversion process - i.e. slowing them down when they are ready to buy or convert. To date, we always made lists of website pages before restructuring them and redirected all the old page addresses to the corresponding new page addresses so that visitors quickly and efficiently reach their destination, ensuring maximal conversions for clients.

☑ Saving clients from legal problems.
Organisations often use images taken illegally from the internet, which can result in large fines and court cases. To date, every time we have provided web design, we have only used legitimately obtained images (usually these are purchased). We have even noticed Terms & Conditions pages to have errors which we have pointed out and corrected.

☑ Long-term approach
It is better for us to spend less resource finding more clients, just as it is easy for you to only have to search once for a marketing agency. We hope we can serve you well enough that you will stay with us for good.

☑ Peace of mind.
If you’ve read this far, you probably like our working methods. We are happy to answer your questions and provide further information. To date, we have always exceeded our own obsessively high expectations. We work very hard to maintain our win-win philosophy and have never yet needed it, but we are insured.

We’d love to show you how we can maximise your ROI. You can contact us here.