1. We make no representation that any Domain Name You wish to register is capable of being registered by or for You. You should therefore not assume registration of the requested Domain Name until You have been notified by Us that such Domain Name has been officially registered. Any action taken by You before such notification is solely at Your own risk.
2. The confirmation of Domain Name registration takes the form of an entry in the WHOIS database. The status at anytime can be checked at the relevant WHOIS page. To perform a WHOIS lookup for a Domain Name ending, or, click here. For the avoidance of doubt, We do not validate Domain Name registration. It is Your responsibility to confirm the Domain Name registration has taken place and the Domain Name registrant details are correct. WHOIS data may be out of date and You agree and accept that Domain Name conflicts and failed Domain Name registrations may occur as a result.
3. Your Domain Name shall be registered by Us for a maximum term of 2 years or as otherwise agreed by Us in writing. The term shall begin at the time when the Domain Name is initially set up and shall terminate at the end of the agreed term. Your Domain Name shall be registered only in multiples of twelve months.
4. At the end of the agreed term the Domain Name shall automatically be cancelled unless renewal has been requested by You in writing and the correct payment received by Us and cleared before the end of the term.
5. Although We shall endeavour to inform You of the pending renewal of Your Domain Name, the responsibility is ultimately solely Yours and We shall not be liable for any loss incurred by You and arising as a result of Your failure to renew (registration of) Your Domain Name.
6. The registration and use of any Domain Name by You shall also be subject to the terms and conditions of use applied by the relevant naming authority. For a Domain Name ending .uk, this is usually Nominet whose terms and conditions are at the time of writing located here. You shall ensure that You are aware of, and shall comply with, those terms and conditions. You shall have no right to bring any claim against Us in respect of refusal to register any Domain Name(s). Any third party charges paid or required to be paid in the provision of the Service shall be non-refundable, notwithstanding refusal by the relevant naming authority to register Your desired Domain Name.
7. You represent that the registration of Your selected Domain Name does not interfere with or infringe upon the rights of any third party.
8. You understand and agree that registration, reservation and/or use of Your chosen Domain Name does not confer immunity from objection by a third party to such registration, reservation or use.
9. We shall accept no liability relating to or resulting from use of Your Domain Name. All disputes between You and the third party (or third parties if it is the case) must be resolved between You and the third party (or third parties) concerned. If any such dispute arises, We shall be entitled, at Our sole discretion and without giving any reason or refund to withhold, suspend or cancel the Domain Name registration. We shall also be entitled to make representations to the relevant naming authority but shall not be obliged to take part in any such dispute. You agree that if We are sued or threatened with lawsuit(s) in connection with Your Domain Name, You shall hold Us harmless and indemnify Us for all costs incurred and extra fees charged at Our Hourly Rate for time spent as a result.
10. You represent that the Domain Name is not being registered for any unlawful purpose.
11. Provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, failure to promptly update information provided to Us upon its change, or failure to respond for over fifteen calendar days to inquiries by Us concerning the accuracy of any information You provided to Us is a basis for cancellation of all Domain Name registrations.
12. Contact information provided for Web Domains is made available for public viewing on the internet through use of WHOIS databases.
13. You agree that We may delete Your Domain Name or terminate Your right to use other Services if the information that You provided to register, reserve or subsequently modify Your Domain Name or other Services contains false or misleading information, or conceals or omits any information We would likely consider material to Our decision to register or reserve Your Domain Name. You agree that We may at Our sole discretion delete or transfer Your Domain Name at any time without liability. You agree that Your registered Domain Name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any ICANN adopted specification or policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN adopted specification or policy, whether to correct mistakes by registrar or the registry operator in registering the Domain Name, or for the resolution of disputes concerning the registered Domain Name.
14. We, in Our sole discretion, reserve the right to refuse to register or reserve Your chosen Domain Name or register You for other Services, or to delete Your Domain Name within forty calendar days from Your request or Order for such Services. In the event We do not register or reserve Your Domain Name or register You for other Services, or We delete Your Domain Name or other Services within such forty calendar day period, We agree to refund the fee paid for that Domain Name. You agree that We shall not be liable for loss or damages that may result from, Our refusal to register or reserve Your Domain Name, deletion of Your Domain Name or refusal of registration or reservation of any Services.
15. We reserve the right to use and resell Your Domain Names to a third party if any outstanding balance from You is due.
16. Registrar-to-registrar Domain Name transfers are not allowed in the 60 days following the creation of a Domain Name.
17. A transfer fee shall be levied for the relocation of Domain Name(s) and Web Page(s)/ Web Site(s) to a third party or to a different Server, and shall also be levied for the transfer of the Domain Name(s) to a new registrar of the Domain Name(s) with or without a change in the ownership of the Domain Name(s). We shall be entitled to refuse to relocate or transfer such Domain Name(s) or Web Page(s)/ Web Site(s) unless all transfer fees and all other charges due have been paid and cleared in full. We shall further be entitled to refuse the transfer of the Domain Name(s) or Web Page(s)/ Web Site(s) if You and the proposed transferee have not entered into and returned to Us, (i) in respect of the Domain Name(s), the Transfer Agreement or (ii) in respect of the Web Page(s)/ Web Site(s) such other agreement as may be required by Us in order to confirm the transferees agreement to be bound by the Terms & Conditions and in each case such evidence as We may require for the purposes of verifying the identity of the proposed transferee. We accept no responsibility for the Web Page(s)/ Web Site(s) or Domain Name(s) or any related problems or issues, and the applicable Domain Name Terms & Conditions shall be terminated automatically on such transfer, in respect of that particular Service provided by You, but for the avoidance of doubt the Terms & Conditions shall continue in respect of all other Services which remain to be provided by Us to You.
18. We accept no responsibility for, and shall not be liable for, any interruption of or loss of any Service(s) arising as a result of a transfer effected by Us.
19. A registrar-to-registrar Domain Name transfer shall add one year to the term of the Domain Name, charged by the gaining registrar.
20. Either party may (without limiting any other remedy) at any time terminate the Domain Name registration by giving written notice to the other if the other commits any breach of the Domain Name Terms & Conditions and (if capable of remedy) fails to remedy the breach within 14 days after being required by written notice to do so, or if the other goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or has a receiver or administrator appointed.
21. Domain Names registered through Us that are purchased without Web Hosting, not yet configured, under construction or under renovation by Us shall display a "Coming Soon" Web Page which informs visitors that You have purchased Services from Us, or may be pointed to another Web Page in Our network or an affiliated network.
22. Our General Terms & Conditions also apply regardless of which Services You have Ordered from Us. The full list of Terms & Conditions is located at the Terms & Conditions page of Our Website.