Dreams do come true. See our unmatched achievements below and imagine if you had the same success for your website!
As you can see in the first screenshot of the results below, we got our clients:

In the same project, as shown in the below screenshots, we also brought our client:
- Position #1 rankings on Page 1 of Google,
- For highly competitive search terms,
- For a fraction of what it would cost elsewhere.
- Further Page 1 Google rankings for ~10,000 pages and search terms!
- Ahead of the top industry players - like Virgin - who have outstanding SEO strategies themselves,
- Above over 25 million competing results - for each search term,
- An estimated 4,000 extra Page 1 Google rankings annually - for free,
- Page 1 Google rankings for most of the 27 main company category pages,
- Within 3 weeks of campaign launch, and all this
- Very cost effectively - by bundling the SEO into the website design phase.
Arbitrary checks showed that these high rankings were maintained for over a year, without any follow-up work or expense.
What is the profit?
- For each of the ~10,000 webpages ranking on Page 1 of Google,
- There is a high chance of purchase for each visit to each of the ~10,000 pages,
- At ~£600 average profit per purchase,
- Meaning £3 million profit if half the products are purchased just once.
If you wish us to apply even better, updated systems to maximise the ROI of your website, you can contact us for personalised service. Alternatively, if you already have a team or an agency to implement your web strategies for you, we can provide the data for you here. Although things usually work better when we implement the strategies, you have the choice.
Alternatively, you can see several further examples of our results. Below are 4 screenshots of MULTIPLE Page 1 rankings that we have achieved for a client, then 2 examples of Position 1 Google rankings, then more examples of Page 1 rankings.
Best SEO Results - Example 1
We brought our client’s webpage to Positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 for the search term “new york stay eastbound transatlantic cruise”, ahead of 15,000 competing results in just 14 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 2
We brought our client’s webpage to Positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 for the search term “new york stay eastbound transatlantic”, ahead of 57,600 competing results in just 14 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 3
We brought our client’s webpage to Positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 for the search term “westbound transatlantic cruise new york stay”, ahead of 412,000 competing results!

Best SEO Results - Example 4
We brought our client’s webpage to Positions 1 & 2 for the search term “mexican riviera and west coast usa cruises”, ahead of 498,000 competing results in just 6 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 5
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 1 for the search term “Dubai Cruises”, ahead of 7.65 million competing results in just 12 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 6
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 1 for the search term “British Isles Cruises”, ahead of 11.8 million competing results in just 7 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 7
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 2 for the search term “around the british isles cruise”, ahead of 2.85 million competing results!

Best SEO Results - Example 8
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 3 for the search term “far east cruises”, ahead of 18.7 million competing results in just 12 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 9
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 5 for the search term “panama canal cruises”, ahead of 4.73 million competing results in just 12 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Example 10
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 5 for the search term “dubai to southampton”, ahead of 6.09 million competing results!

Best SEO Results - Example 11
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 6 for the search term “indian ocean cruises”, ahead of 9.86 million competing results!

Best SEO Results - Example 12
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 9 for the search term “east coast usa cruises”, ahead of 7.79 million competing results in just 6 days of the SEO campaign launch!

Best SEO Results - Final Example
We brought our client’s webpage to Position 9 for the search term “far east cruises”, ahead of 26.9 million competing results!

If you wish us to apply even better, updated systems to maximise the ROI of your website, you can contact us for personalised service. Alternatively, if you already have a team or an agency to implement your web strategies for you, we can provide the data for you here. Although things usually work better when we implement the strategies, you have the choice.
A side note: We like to provide you with screenshots and written proof of our results on our websites, while also not showing our clients’ latest campaign information - which could put them at risk - and thus maintaining adequate confidentiality. We compromise by showing results that are not the latest, but do prove that we are capable and truthful (usually not the case in the SEO world). In fact, it gets better. We constantly update our systems, which are now capable of doing more work, more efficiently, and getting better results than ever before!
Another note: 3 paid Google Ads have been removed from the “new york stay eastbound transatlantic cruise”, picture. We generally recommend to clients that they should rank in organic search results and avoid undertaking paid search unless absolutely necessary, in order to maximise ROI.